Service Times

  • Sunday Holy Eucharist

    10:30am, Sunday Also available on St. Aidan's YouTube channel - request weekly link by emailing or calling 306-694-5445
  • Week day services

    8:30am, Monday Please check weekly bulletin to confirm which services are scheduled during this season of transition.
  • Wednesday Holy Eucharist in the Chapel

    8:30am, Wednesday Use 1st Ave Entrance
  • Friday Holy Eucharist (BCP) in the chapel

    11:45am, Friday Please use 1st Ave entrance

Get in touch

  • Sunday Holy EucharistSun, 10:30am - 12:00pmAlso available on St. Aidan's YouTube channel - request weekly link by emailing or calling 306-694-5445
  • Week day servicesMon, 8:30amPlease check weekly bulletin to confirm which services are scheduled during this season of transition.
  • Wednesday Holy Eucharist in the ChapelWed, 8:30-9:15amUse 1st Ave Entrance
  • Friday Holy Eucharist (BCP) in the chapelFri, 11:45am - 12:15pmPlease use 1st Ave entrance

We acknowledge that Jesus, the Lord of all, has called His Church to be a Church of all nations. With joy and in humility we gather on Treaty 4 Territory, the traditional lands of the Cree, Ojibwe, Saulteaux, Dakota, Lakota, Nakoda, and the homeland of the Métis Nation.