What to Expect on Sunday

When you arrive at St. Aidan, you will be warmly welcomed by one of our members. You will be offered a bulletin that will help to guide you through the service. We are happy to assist you with seating if you need.


The service begins with the Processional, during which the clergy and lay servers enter and take their places at the front.


On most Sundays from September to June, children are dismissed to Godly Play and Sunday School classes at an early point in the service and rejoin their families in time for the Eucharist. (Approximately from 10:40 to 11:20.) We also have a nursery that is available for parents to accompany their children to.  Click here to read about what St. Aidan offers for parents with children.

Service Books

In our tradition, the green Book of Alternative Services (BAS) and the blue Book of Common Praise (CP) guide us through the service. In the bulletin, page numbers for the BAS are indicated by "p. XXX BAS" and page numbers for the CP are indicated by "p. XXX CP".  Click here to download a sample bulletin.

Eucharist / Communion

All baptized Christians are welcome to receive communion. Anyone who has not been baptized is welcome to receive a prayer of blessing. 

At the Eucharist, attendants will signal row by row when it is time to go up to the front to receive the Eucharist or a blessing. To receive the bread, hold out your hands, crossed with palms up. To receive the wine, hold the bottom of the cup and guide it to your mouth or if you prefer not to share the common cup, bow to the cup (nod your head). If you prefer to receive a blessing, indicate this by crossing your arms over your chest.

In the serving of the Eucharist, the priest will offer the bread, saying, "The body of Christ." Next, the deacon and lay attendants will offer the cup of wine, saying, "The blood of Christ shed for you." The customary response to each of these is "Amen" or simply nodding your head.

After having received communion, you may return to your seat.


After announcements, a recessional hymn is sung, during which the clergy and lay servers exit. The deacon offers a sentence of sending similar to, "Go in peace to love and serve the Lord."  The congregation responds, "Thanks be to God." At this point, the service is over.

We acknowledge that Jesus, the Lord of all, has called His Church to be a Church of all nations. With joy and in humility we gather on Treaty 4 Territory, the traditional lands of the Cree, Ojibwe, Saulteaux, Dakota, Lakota, Nakoda, and the homeland of the Métis Nation.