Why do Christians give?
Jesus and the apostles prioritized money matters by instructing us to give to those who are in need, to those who ask, and to show our love in actions and in truth. A compelling reason to give as Christians in Canada is that we tend to love wealth. In a culture where material goods can so often become our gods, giving can help us break the hold money and possessions have on us. By giving generously, we recognize that our dependence is on God and not on our ability to provide for ourselves.
Why give to St. Aidan?
What do we support when we give to the Church?
We are giving to the work of God through this local church community. We are supporting our ministries as a church community (e.g., children and youth programs, vouchers for neighbours in need, outreach weekend lunches), the care of our building, and freeing up our priest to serve in our community full-time.
What are the ways we can give?
Numbered envelopes for regular giving (provides greater confidentiality, option to designate gifts, receipt issued)
Pre-authorized giving (enables consistent giving, option to designate gifts, receipt issued)
- Print off and complete the Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement (copies also available at the back of the nave)
- Laminated cards are available to place in the offering plate. You can participate in the act of giving and see your gift blessed with the gifts at the altar.
Interac E-transfers for one-time or consistent giving. Send donations to giving@staidan.ca.
PayPal for one-time or consistent giving. (St. Aidan does not receive your full donation with this method due to small processing fees.)
Pew envelopes for one-time or occasional giving (option to designate gifts and to receive a receipt if your name and address are provided)
Cash or cheque in offering plate (receipt issued when contact information present on cheque)
Who should we contact with questions?
To request envelopes, contact our Envelope Secretary, Barb Morrison, in person or by email at envelope.secretary@staidan.ca.
For pre-authorized giving questions, contact our Pre-Authorized Giving Administrator, Bev Murock, in person or by email at PAD@staidan.ca.
To discuss the parish’s ministries and/or budget, contact any of the members of Vestry or a member of the clergy.