7:00-8:30pm, November 2, 2021
All Souls Day (November 2nd) is a day traditionally set apart by the Christian Church as a time to pause and remember those who have died. Every year close to that date, we hold a simple service of music and prayer as we remember and give thanks for our loved ones who have died. Please feel free to bring a small picture of your loved one(s) to place on the table of remembrance. You will be given an opportunity to light a candle in memory of your loved ones as a visible sign of remembrance.
This service is a time for quiet reflection and peace that pays tribute to those we love but see no longer. It is appropriate for people who lost a loved one a long time ago or very recently. Your family, friends and neighbours are welcome to come to support you or to remember their own loved ones. Following the service, you are invited for a time of fellowship and light refreshments.
Deacon Arleen and the Pastoral Care Ministry Team of Saint Aidan Anglican Church warmly invite and look forward to welcoming you and your family to our annual observance of All Souls' Day.
For further information, call Deacon Arleen (306-631-1001) or the church office (306-694-5445)
This year's service can be joined in person or by Zoom.