9:00am - 9:00pm, March 18, 2017
- WHEN: Saturday, March 18, 9:00am to 9:00pm
- WHERE: St. Aidan Anglican Church (and an afternoon at Prairie Storm on Hwy 1 E)
- WHAT IS IT: A day filled with food, friends, chapel times, stations of the cross, "re-ball" at Prairie Storm Paintball, and a night game in the spooky dark of St. Aidan!
- COST: $45/retreater
- BRING: registration form and fee, Bible, waiver, indoor shoes (for Prairie Storm)
- WHAT IS RE-BALL? It's like paintball, but without the paint. It comes in 2 versions: "Regular" re-ball = more intense, and "Mini" re-ball = way less intense.
REGISTER: Download the registration form and send to [email protected]
I'm excited to announce that Dr. Samuel Hildebrandt will be our speaker for Lenten Youth Retreat 2017! He's a delightful German who has studied things like Mathematics, Music, Theology, and now Biblical Hebrew. He'll be speaking to us on "Meeting Jesus in the Life of Moses."